world best travel places: Alpian Paradise

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Alpian Paradise

Moving from Milan to Munich you may see all the splendour of the Swiss Alps. Enjoy!

It's still Italy, the border is ahead.
And this is Switzerland already. Here you will have to buy a vignette and stick to the windshield of your car. It's a fare for crossing the border that costs 40 euros. All foreign cars have to purchase such vignettes.
Here are a lot of tunnels.
Lake promises much beauty ahead.
Going fast and no police!
All the beauty is fenced, maybe it's the reason of such ideal cleanness.
Snowy peaks ahead
A cosy restaurant on the way
Grazing cattle somewhere ringing with tiny bells, babbling streamlets. You will surely want to come back here again!
Farewell Switzerland!
via ashambo


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