world best travel places: World's Smallest Five-Star Hotel Germany

Friday, January 20, 2012

World's Smallest Five-Star Hotel Germany

At 2.5 meters wide and with just 53 square meters of floor space, the Eh Häusel (Wedding House) in Amberg, Germany is the world's smallest hotel, and a five-star one at that.

Smallest Five Star Hotel


  1. Hi all,

    Wow! Nice smallest five star hotel. It is looking so delightful. It has an interesting history. When couples were to be married, they needed to prove they owned a house. Thanks for sharing it.....

    Best Rome Hotels

  2. The interior of this hotel is so romantic and cozy. Despite its diminutive size, it isn't lacking in services and amenities. It has a fireplace, a flat screen TV and even a spa bathroom (which is my personal favorite). I would probably stay there the whole day, if given the chance. One thing's for sure though: that hotel won't ever find itself without a customer.

    Jacob Beaty
