Uluru is a massive orange-brown rock of an oval shape that formed 680 million years ago in Australia. It's situated in the region called "Central Australia" - the utmost southern administrative district on the Northern Territory in the centre of the continent. The length of Uluru is 3.6 km, width - 3 km, height - 348 m.
Uluru has a considerable spiritual meaning for aboriginals. At the foot there is a huge banner asking people not to climb the holy mountain because ancient traditions and beliefs don't permit it. But it doesn't actually stops people who
even in really hot weather try to make a dangerous climb. To minimize the number of accidents here was placed a handrail.
Memorable plates with names of those who died here trying to climb the mountain.
This picture was made by nature and looks like an aboriginal face profile.
See other faces?
Caterpillars party
A little pond
Uluru is falling asleep. In fact the mountain changes its colors many times a day depending on light.
This view is already from one of the view points of Devil's Heads ( Kata Tjuta ) a range of slopes 50 km away from Uluru in the same national park.
Kata Tjuta landscapes
Kings Canyon
Ellery Creek Bighole
And what grows nearby...
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