Agadir is a resort and port city practically on the same latitude with Canary Islands. Let's have a walk along the local port and see the life of local fishers.
Still in Casablanca
Already in Essuveira
Waves are not high here, but the wind is really strong.
It's very hard to be here without sunglasses.
Do you like the shot?
The pier
Those lights afar - Agadir
Local hotel
The beach of Sofitel
Typical Moroccan architecture
Agadir is one of the largest ports in Morocco. Агадир - один из крупнейших портов в Марокко. Fishing fleet is represented by small and big boats.
Local shipyard - ships are built here from the ground up.
Brass screws are made hammered manually
They have seen a lot of trips
In 10 days no ships will remain here, all of them will go to sea for 3 months. That's how they live - 3 months at sea, 3 - at home.
The sea is rich in anchovies
They are put into boxes, covered with ice and sent by trucks. The smell is specific here.
The ice is brought from a local cold-store complex.
People do not notice the smell.
Private entrepreneurs sell fish nearby.
Cats only look thin, they are never hungry.
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